The TM4C1294 LaunchPad demonstrates TI’s recommended chip for secure Internet-of-Things devices. It has a phenomenal number of pins, and connects to wired Ethernet. Out of the box, you’re encouraged to hook the board up to the cloud first, and demonstrate that you can control your LaunchPad over the web.

TI offers many options for writing programs for the LaunchPad, starting with their industrial-style Code Composer. Many makers will feel more at home using the Energia editor. Energia, derived from the Arduino editor, offers the same familiar menus for adding new boards, selecting which boards to program, and the same familiar example code. Energia runs on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

The TIVA feels more industrial than hobbyist. It has support for full debugging using ICDI. It comes with two CAN modules, commonly used for communicating chip-to-chip in the automotive industry. It reads analog inputs with speed and precision uncommon on maker boards. This is a board that boasts many extra features for the maker who’s not afraid to step outside the mainstream.