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Build this project and more in Make: Vol. 45. Don’t have the issue? Get yours today!
Build this project and more in Make: Vol. 45. Don’t have the issue? Get yours today!

Folding clothes is a boring and laborious chore. So I tried to figure out a way to speed up the process using materials that I had lying around. My solution was to make a folding board out of cardboard and duct tape.

Project Steps

Cut out the panels

To make a folding board, you will need six panels. Each panel should have the dimensions of a folded shirt. So fold one shirt by hand and measure its dimensions. Then cut out six pieces of cardboard this size.

Assemble the board

Lay the cardboard panels on the floor in two rows of three. Space them out so that there is a ¼” gap between each piece. Next, tape the three panels in the top row together. Then individually tape the panels in the top row to the panel below them. Turn the whole assembly over and apply tape to the back of these same sections. Press the two sides of tape together to seal them.

Use the folding board

Place the folding board on your work surface. Then lay a shirt face down on top of it. Fold one side panel over and back. Then fold the other side over and back. Lastly, fold up the bottom center panel. You should now have a perfectly folded shirt. This tool can drastically speed up the folding process and every shirt will be uniformly folded.