
This project has been excerpted and modified from Make: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi – 2nd Edition.

The first time Raspbian boots, a configuration tool called raspi-config will appear. You’ll use this to make configuration changes to your Pi.

  • Use the up and down arrow keys to move through the options.
  • Pressing the right arrow key will take you to the <Select> and <Finish> buttons.
  • Use the Tab key to switch between the options menu and the <Select> and <Finish> buttons.
  • To make a selection, press the Enter key

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Project Steps

Change Password (optional)

We recommend you use the “Change User Password” option to change the default password. Your default user is pi and the default password is raspberry. You can change your password but not your username.

Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch

You can change what appears when your Pi boots. This option allows you to to change your boot preference to command line, desktop, or straight to Scratch.

We recommend you automatically boot to the GUI (Graphical User Interface) desktop; this is a much friendlier interface for those new to programming. Select the “Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch” option. If you do not enable this option, you will boot to the command line prompt.

Once you have made your changes, tab to the Select button and press enter to save your changes. If you make changes you will be asked to reboot your Pi.

Return to raspi-config tool

Want to get back to the raspi-config tool? Just type in sudo rasp-config into the Raspbian command line prompt.