Advanced Materials

Metals That Can Be Molded Like Plastics

Metals That Can Be Molded Like Plastics

At the atomic scale, generally speaking, solids are either crystalline or amorphous. In crystals, the atoms or molecules fill space in a repeating, orderly arrangement, like stacked cannonballs or cells in a honeycomb. Table salt is a handy example. In amorphous materials, however, the atoms or molecules are packed together randomly, without repeating arrangements. Glass […]

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Space Invaders Tote Bag from Fashioning Technology

How-To: Space Invaders Tote Bag

In honor of our Advanced Materials theme, we’re sharing an excerpt from my favorite book on smart materials, Syuzi Pakhchyan’s Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting. If you’re interested in checking out the potential in soft circuits, sewing your circuits in using conductive thread, the Space Invaders Tote project is a fun place […]

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Skill Builder 2012: Materials

Skill Builder 2012: Materials

Last year we launched our Skill Builder series on the site, a monthly educational program exploring core maker skills (electronics, woodworking, metalworking, etc.). We think we got off to a good start and want to continue building on that content. But this year, we’re approaching the skill sets from a different angle: The materials that go into what you build.

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