awesome button

How-To: Vintage Button Cuff Bracelet

How-To: Vintage Button Cuff Bracelet

Show off your button collection in style with this vintage button cuff bracelet tutorial!

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The Call Someone Who Cares Button

The Call Someone Who Cares Button

Based on The Awesome Button, Les made a one step boss dialer by hooking an emergency button into his employer’s IP telephone system. Inside the button is a Teensy board, which connects to his computer via USB. A C# app on his computer listens for the pause/break key from the Teensy and makes an HTTP […]

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How-To: USB Reddit Upvote Button

How-To: USB Reddit Upvote Button

Chris from The New Hobbyist created this nice 3D printed USB peripheral which lets him easily vote on Reddit stories. Based on The Awesome Button project, Chris’s button sends USB keyboard commands from a Teensy USB to the Reddit Enhancement Suite, a browser extension for Redditors. If you want to make your own, Chris has […]

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Father and Son Build Awesome Button

Father and Son Build Awesome Button

Nick Carter and his son Henry were browsing Goodwill when Henry spotted a Staples Easy Button for sale and wanted to try using it to make an Awesome Button, our DIY USB synonym generator project. Neither of them had much experience with electronics projects, and despite some difficulty with the soldering iron, they managed to […]

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