
How-To: Chilled Monkey Brain Cake

How-To: Chilled Monkey Brain Cake

If you grew up in the 80s, then you probably had the image of chilled monkey brains seared into your own brain by Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. Well, now you can recreate your childhood horror with this spectacular Chilled Monkey Brain Cake tutorial.

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Emily knits soft, cozy depictions of realistic anatomical subjects. She says: I really like taking objects or concepts that many people (including myself, sometimes) are squeamish about and recreating them out of materials that many of the same people think are cozy and inviting. Shown uppermost is her Bisected Human Head. The brains were knit […]

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Thingamajigger – Ionization Clock

I stopped in at Thingamajigger Friday night, it was great! John Medina effortlessly held the crowd’s attention while he talked about attention, Dan Savage told us how tech has ruined his life, I talked to Hazard Factory’s Rusty Oliver about optimum sanding belt grit size for the best power tool drag racer traction, Beth Goza […]

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