
Codebox: Save sensor data to Google Spreadsheets

Codebox: Save sensor data to Google Spreadsheets

This Codebox shows you how to save sensor data to a Google Spreadsheet. Although this example uses the simple photo resistor sensor described in Chapter 11 of Getting Started with Processing, you can use this technique for type of sensor. For example, you could log data from a Parallax GPS receiver module into Google Spreadsheets, and then create a Google map of where you’ve been.

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Make a networked face sensor with Processing

Make a networked face sensor with Processing

This Codebox explores how to use a web server to collect sensor data from a Processing sketch. As an example, we’ll use OpenCV to periodically detect and report number of faces that appear in your webcam’s field of view. You might use something like this at a conference or art show to see how many people are interested in a particular session or exhibit. Using this data feed, you might then create a mobile app that would show you where the most people are at a conference at any given time.

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