
Cast Cement CNC Chassis

Cast Cement CNC Chassis

Those of you who click through to read more about this very cool project from grad student Kenny Cheung of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms may be a bit disappointed: The page is not really complete yet and a bunch of the resources, including the physibles, are still “coming soon!” But it’s so cool, I didn’t want to wait. Looks like the molds are laser cut and, I would expect, reusable. [Thanks, thatcherc!]

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Tool Review: Diamond Matrix Polishing Pad Set

Tool Review: Diamond Matrix Polishing Pad Set

Last spring I got it in my head to make a concrete bowl with broken bottle glass aggregate. I had a bunch of blue and green glass bottles on-hand, and broke these up by submerging them in a big galvanized washtub and bashing them with a fence-post driver. I had a book with a broken-glass […]

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April is the Concrete Month…

April is the Concrete Month…

During April, we are spotlighting one of humanity’s oldest, cheapest, and most commonly-used building materials (Also, surprisingly, one of its most poorly understood.) Speaking generally, concrete is a mixture of three components: aggregate, cement, and water. The aggregate can be gravel, sand, glass, plastic, chunks of old concrete, or pretty much any other solid filler. Concrete’s characteristic transformation…

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