
Prosthetic Arm Made Real for Amputee’s Kickass Mad Max Cosplay

Prosthetic Arm Made Real for Amputee’s Kickass Mad Max Cosplay

Laura Vaughn was blown away by Imperator Furiosa in the new Mad Max movie. She knew she had to replicate this awesome prosthetic for a kickass cosplay.

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Tikkun Olam Make-a-thon Helps Those In Need

Tikkun Olam Make-a-thon Helps Those In Need

“Tikkun Olam” is a Hebrew phrase that literally means “Making the world better”. TOM, which stands for “Tikkun Olam Make-a-thon” is a marathon of Making and Hacking dedicated to just that. For 3 days this summer, Makers of all kinds will be gathered in an amazing industrial space in Nazareth, Israel, to develop, design and […]

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Glove Based Sign-to-Speech System

Glove Based Sign-to-Speech System

The EnableTalk system uses a glove-mounted microcontroller to collate information from a passel of onboard sensors—11 flex sensors, 8 touch sensors, 2 accelerometers, a compass, and a gyroscope—and transmit it wirelessly to a nearby computer or smartphone for translation into machine generated speech.

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