
Painting Gorgeous Colors onto Copper Using Only An Open Flame

Painting Gorgeous Colors onto Copper Using Only An Open Flame

Watch as metalworking artist Philip Cook demonstrates his skill with “painting” brilliant colors onto copper with a blowtorch.

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Now That’s Playing With Fire: Everett Bradford’s “Prometheus Device”

Now That’s Playing With Fire: Everett Bradford’s “Prometheus Device”

Check out the sweet animated GIFs that Raleigh, NC photographer Shane Deruise put together for us from his shoot, for the MAKE Volume 35 “Playing With Fire” spread, of engineer Everett Bradford showing off his wrist-mounted “Pyro” costume flamethrower.

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Meet Exuro, The Arduino-Brained Kinect-Tracking Flame-Shooting Bot

Meet Exuro, The Arduino-Brained Kinect-Tracking Flame-Shooting Bot

The robot Exuro is driven with Python, controlled with Arduino, tracking with Kinect, and best of all shoots fire every time someone donates to The Crucible in Oakland, CA.

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Flaming legs

Evidently the people of New Mexico have seen it all. Even robolegs gone wild! Carlos is a robotic everyman. He’s not one of those fancy deep sea dwelling, swimming pool competing, publicity hogging, multiple kill, or planet exploring robots, just a regular robot doing his thing like us humans. Carlos was a college kinetic sculpture […]

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