
Homemaking a Wooden Block and Tackle Pulley System

Homemaking a Wooden Block and Tackle Pulley System

Watch as Steve from The Small Workshop makes his own pulley system for getting heavy items down from his attic.

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Turning an HDPE Milk Jug into a Motor Pulley

Turning an HDPE Milk Jug into a Motor Pulley

Making usable plastic stock from an HDPE milk jug is a lot easier than you might think

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Using the BeagleBone to Control a Powerful Upper Body Exoskeleton

Using the BeagleBone to Control a Powerful Upper Body Exoskeleton

My senior design team at the University of Pennsylvania has developed a powered upper body exoskeleton for use in physical therapy and assistive mobility applications. We’ve named the suit Titan after the powerful deities of incredible strength and stamina in Greek mythology. The exoskeleton runs off a master BeagleBone microcomputer running Ubuntu Linux and PyBBIO, an open-source Python library for BeagleBone control.

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Ask MAKE: Gears and Chains and Pulleys and Belts

Ask MAKE: Gears and Chains and Pulleys and Belts

Jesse needs to build a drivetrain for his homemade zoetrope. Ask MAKE is here to help him out.

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Dan Grayber’s Mechanisms are Autonomous Artworks

Dan Grayber’s Mechanisms are Autonomous Artworks

Dan Grayber’s mechanisms are autonomous artworks that defy gravity.

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