QR codes

QR Code Treasure Hunt Marriage Proposal

QR Code Treasure Hunt Marriage Proposal

I’m Guido from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I proposed to my wife almost 3 years ago on Easter, using a QR code treasure hunt to get her out of the house while I lit the candles and prepared. When she arrived back home, the QR code on the door played our favorite song.

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QR Code Island Concept

QR Code Island Concept

QR Code Island is a delightfully hare-brained concept design from Mat Barnes and Eddie Blake, which will continue to delight me until news appears that someone is actually trying to build such a thing.

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Punchlines by QR Code

Punchlines by QR Code

Oh my. Now here’s a street meme I can endorse 100%. From Instructables QA engineer Frenzy, posted as a “test.” I’m not sure he understands the full magnitude of what he has done.

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CRAFT Video: Machine-Knitted QR Code Scarf

CRAFT Video: Machine-Knitted QR Code Scarf

I used my computerized knitting machine to make this QR code (2D barcode) scarf. You can turn any text into a QR code at qrcode.kaywa.com, and use that image as a pattern for knitting. You need neither Photoshop nor a knitting machine to make this project; they just make it significantly easier. When finished, anyone can take a picture of my scarf and get the information stored in the code as text on their screen, and it’s stylish, too! For more info visit http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2009/03/craft_video_machineknitted_qr.html

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