Art Car or Book Tank? A little bit of both I’d say. Built from a welded frame atop a 1979 Ford Falcon (a vehicle popular with the then-ruling military junta), Argentinian art-car maker Raul Lemesoff drives around the streets of Buenos Aires distributing free books to all – titled Arma De Instruccion Masiva, or Weapon of Mass Instruction, Raul will pull over for anyone asking for a free book! Motorcyclists and pedestrians will even take books off his car while he’s stopped at lights. Stocked with private-donation books, one of Raul’s main objectives is – and I’m translating here – “to contribute to peace and understanding of people [through literacy].” This includes not only tours through Argentina’s urban capital, but also trips into the countryside where many children don’t attend school – and after many years in Argentina, Raul has recently plotted trips north to Bolivia and Peru. Fascinating!

[via Post Growth – thanks Jason for the tip!]