Today’s Maker from our new book Makers – Richard Hull, Richmond, Virginia. Homemade nuclear fusor. “Oh, fusing atoms is easy,” claims Hull with a slight Virginia twang. Well, OK, not that easy. First you have to find a way to generate over 20,000 volts of electricity. Fusor enthusiasts live for the brilliant purple light that emanates from the reaction — an indication that the hydrogen gas has passed into a plasma state and that neutron radiation is on its way. “With this project, you can be killed in so, so many ways!” Makers: page 94. View photo! See previous Makers of the day here. View sample PDF. Click here to get Makers the book before the holidays!
Richard Hull, Richmond, Virginia. Homemade nuclear fusor.
Meet The Makers…Now on the heels of MAKE’s wildly popular inaugural issues, O’Reilly introduces Makers, a beautiful hardbound book celebrating DIY inspiration and the people behind the projects. Makers introduces you to a brigade of citizen engineers making their own cameras, clocks, airplanes, submarines, musical instruments, weapons, medical equipment, energy- saving devices, robots, and houses. They create their own tools to explore the outer atmosphere, the deep sea, and the behavior of tiny flies in their backyard. Sample PDF. Click here to get Makers the book.
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