Last week, I posted about the adorable penguins in New Zealand who were in need of knitted sweaters after a recent oil spill left their feathers coated and damaged. The response was swift and grand, so much so that the gone-viral-sweater-campaign quickly hit its goal … and then some. It was great to see everyone so enthusiastic about knitting sweaters for penguins, but what about all the other great charities that benefit from crafted donations? If you were dying to knit a sweater for a penguin, why not redirect that generous energy to one of the following charities that could really use your help? We put out a call on Twitter and Facebook for charities that need handmade donations. Here are responses we received, but if you have others to add, please do so in the comments. Let’s get crafting for charity in general (with or without cute penguins) to go viral as well!
Photo from bookgrl on Flickr.
Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation
Courtney writes:
I wanted to let you know about the Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation. The FoPRR helps to meet the needs of under funded and under staffed shelters, organizations, and clinics on the reservation. On the reservation there is over 80% unemployment with alcoholism running rampant. The reservation was just featured on 20/20 last week and the destitution was heartbreaking. Especially with winter arriving (it can be 30 below sometimes) there is a huge need for knitted, crocheted, and sewed items. Here’s a link for the website’s page listing some of the items they need:
I’ve recently emailed them asking for an updated list and they said that the foster care (LOWO) is in need especially. They’ve listed sweaters, mittens, slippers, scarves, afghans, stuffed animals, layette items are all needed for the infants, toddlers and small children. They also sent me addresses the items could be sent to:
Via UPS/FedEx:
Susan DuBray
604 East Hwy 18
IHS Compound Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Via U.S. Mail use this address only please:
Susan DuBray
P. O. Box 604
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Leggings For Life
This is a not-for-profit group connecting animals who need custom leggings to protect their legs from ulcerations or assist with walking with individuals who can crochet these leggings.
The New Britain, Connecticut chapter of Threads of Compassion
We provide an opportunity for people who desire to offer comfort and support to recent victims of sexual assault. The idea is simple: anyone who has been affected by, or wants to take a stand against, sexual assault or abuse is welcome to knit or crochet a scarf, which in turn will be given to a victim of sexual violence when they enter the hospital for emergency treatment.
See their web site for information on how to donate scarves or knitting supplies.
Visit the Leggings For Life Facebook Page and click on the info tab for more information on how to donate.
The Snuggles Project
Snuggles are security blankets for shelter animals. They provide physical and psychological comfort to the animals awaiting new homes.
In most instances the animals are kept in areas with stainless steel braces or
hard plastic flooring. It is our goal that each animal would get a Snuggle to
cuddle up with to feel comfort as well as a bit of security during their stay. The
Snuggles would allow them to have a little reprieve from the coldness of the
cage they are kept in.
Visit The Snuggles Project web site and download the project PDF for information on how you can crochet, knit or sew a Snuggles for donation.
Craft Hope
Craft Hope is an incredible hub for all kinds of charitable crafting. Along with regular craft-alongs-for-charity, Craft Hope keeps up a great listing of charities seeking handmade donations.
Minnesota RollerGirls
Pete writes, “The Minnesota RollerGirls do knitting for charity events during their season, making knit and crochet hats for various organizations in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.” Check the web site and get in touch with the Minnesota RollerGirls for more information.
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