It was four years ago this summer that I joined the wonderful Craftzine team. I was thrilled and in disbelief that I would have the opportunity to work for one of my all-time favorite publications and web sites. CRAFT has been a huge part of my crafty inspiration and growth, and to have the chance to mix my professional background (journalism) with one of my greatest passions (making things) has been a great privilege. Over the last four years, I have connected with amazing creative folks, been inspired beyond my wildest dreams, and have had a heck of a lot of fun. I’ve written almost 2,900 blog posts, attended five Maker Faires across the country, and have made some incredible friends. That is why it is with a heavy heart that I tell you I have decided to move on from CRAFT to explore other creative opportunities.
I am incredibly grateful for the time I have had here at CRAFT, most especially connecting with people across the country (and globe!) who appreciate and embrace the beauty and power of making things and sharing that with others. The DIY community is a fun place to call home, and though I’m leaving my position here at CRAFT, I have no plans to leave this community. My list of things I want to make and skills I want to share is long, and my penchant for the internet means I’ll continue to be an active member of this vibrant group. You can follow my adventures through my personal blog, Average Jane Crafter, or keep up with me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest* and Google+. You can also find me over on Whimseybox.com, where I’ll be sharing project how-tos and other crafty fun. One thing is for sure: this is not the last you’ll hear from me in the DIY community.
I want to give a very sincere Thank You to the kind and generous crafters I have met (virtually or in person) over the last four years. You have been the highlight of this job. I also want to give a giant shout out and buckets of love to the fabulous team of CRAFT bloggers. You guys are dear friends, supportive colleagues and saints for putting up with my dorkiness for four years. I love you guys, and the CRAFT community is lucky to have you.
Until we meet again on the crafty interwebs, be kind, have fun and don’t ever stop making things and sharing that with others.
* I’ve started a board to collect some of my favorite CRAFT blog posts over the years! It’s slow-going, though – almost 3,000 posts take a while to get through! ;)