CNC Machining Contest Winner: Viva La Four Axis Delta Router!

CNC & Machining Woodworking Workshop
CNC Machining Contest Winner: Viva La Four Axis Delta Router!


Last week’s CNC Week contest attracted a plethora of chip-producing projects. Our panel of judges was impressed by the range and quality of the submissions and while there were many exceptional entries, one unique project caught our attention: Bart Dring‘s Delta CNC Router with 4th Axis.

The winner – Bart Dring’s Delta CNC Router with 4th Axis.

Here’s how Bart describes the project:

This started as a delta bot style milling machine. A 4th rotary axis was added later. The challenge was getting all to run with standard 3D printer hardware. The extruder controls were hacked to be the rotary axis control. See his blog post for a complete description.

Ready to defeat the Cartesian agenda? Here’s what our judges had to say about this project:

Bart Dring’s “creativity with constraints” approach to his delta router project (using non-captive stepper motors and stock RepRap firmware) resulted in many interesting creative workarounds; including hacking the Mach3 wrapped rotary post processor so he could use Vectric V Carve‘s wrapped rotary feature – all for a hello world project that he could show off at ORD Camp 2014.

It’s no surprise that Bart used MakerSlide for his design, after all, he invented the open source linear motion system, which was successfully Kickstarted in June of 2011. I found his use of modified Repetier firmware tweaked to convert millimeters (used as the feed unit by extruders) to degrees on an Azteeg X3 to be a unique and innovative approach.

–Anna Kaziunas France, MAKE digital fabrication editor

Bart on what inspired him to create the Delta Router:
The ORD contraptions I make, have one primary function; to spark conversation. This means they have to be interesting, a little whimsical and a little cool looking… Practicality and suitability are way down the list, so go ahead and snark away. If you do, you are missing the point.

In other words, sweet project Bart! Viva la Delta! The $200 voucher to the Maker Shed is yours and we look forward to getting your delta router project up on our site.

What do you think, makers? Have you built a CNC machine using creative constraints to challenge yourself? Post your ideas in the comments below.

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