Another workbench mod… this time with concrete!
My girlfriend and I decided to take your workbench and modify it some for our purposes. I thought you might be interested in seeing your handiwork being inspirational!
The first change was doing away with the top sheet over hang your design has. The second change was adding a second support beam for the shelf. We also added some cross beams to stabilize the top a bit more.
After we got the basic frame together we poured some self-leveling underlayment (concrete) on top for fun. Since we planned on getting this thing really wet with our aquarium adventures it sounded like a good idea. I don’t think we could put down enough sealant to keep the plywood from warping or rotting.
We then spray painted the frame Home Depot Orange and gray (to match the concrete). There’s pictures and such on my blog, here are the relevant links: Part 1 and Part 2.