woodblock100 writes –
“I needed a teleprompter to help me make better looking videos for my website on woodblock printmaking, so I built this one, using nothing but a few pieces of scrap wood and glass, and only free software.
When recording videos, I discovered that I’m not much of an actor … namely, I can’t remember my lines! I tried to get around this by printing out a large-type ‘script’ and hanging it up next to the camera, but when I looked at the resulting video, it was obvious that I was reading something, and not looking directly into the camera. There was only one solution … build a teleprompter!
Here’s how I did it, in just a few minutes, using a couple of scraps of wood, a scavenged piece of glass, and an old shirt …” – Link.
- DIY Plasti-Prompter – Link.
From the pages of MAKE:
- No More Cue Cards – Make a teleprompter with a laptop, a sheet of glass, and some scrap wood. MAKE 02 – Page 146. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!