May is Maker Month at The Crucible

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The Crucible offers a wide range of classes.

May, in case you didn’t already know, is Maker Faire month. May 18-19—next weekend—is when it all happens. May is also Maker Month at The Crucible, an Oakland-based nonprofit arts education organization that fosters collaboration of arts, industry, and community. If you’re fired up to start making things after Maker Faire, The Crucible is offering $30 off spring and summer classes.comingtobayareamakerfaire_2013


Through training in fine and industrial arts, The Crucible promotes creative expression, reuse of materials, and innovative design. The Crucible is also known for its innovative performances, particularly performances with fire!

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Stett is a senior editor at MAKE with abiding interest in food and drink, bicycles, woodworking, and environmentally sound human enterprises. He is the father of two young makers.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

Contact Stett with tips and story ideas on:

*Food *Sustainable/green design *Science *Young Makers *Action sports

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