New Arduino Robot Available in the Maker Shed at Maker Faire


One of my favorite things about Maker Faire is all the new product announcements. This year Arduino is launching their robotics platform, and I was fortunate enough to get my hands on one a little early. Check out the unboxing video below, and if you like it as much as I do, don’t forget to pick  one up from the Maker Shed at Maker Faire.

Arduino Robot brings you into the world of robotics. Designed with Complubot, the 4-times world champions in Robocup Junior robotics soccer, the robot allows for endless hours of experimentation and play. It is a self-contained platform allowing you to build interactive machines to explore the world. You can use it as it is, modify its software and even add your own hardware on top of it. You can learn as you go: the Arduino Robot is perfect for the novice but also for those looking for their next challenge.

I’d be really surprised if these lasted very long on the shelves in the Maker Shed, so you might want to head over early and pick one up before they are all gone.

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