Real-time link counts on MAKE posts

Real-time link counts on MAKE posts

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Ok Makers we added a cool new link to all the blog posts on MAKE, it’s called the “Technorati Link Counter Widget” – it will show other makers and sites that are linking to the post you’re reading. Just click “View blog reactions” – It’s a great way to find other maker-friendly sites, tech sites and people/orgs that are likely interested in similar topics – so check it out, let us know what you think, consider this an experiment… and if you have a site, post a link to MAKE so we can see you! Link & Technorati Link Counter Widget.

Here are a couple examples…

When you view these on posts, you’ll see the # of people talking before you click, so far it’s pretty impressive and spam free!

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current: @adafruit - previous: MAKE, popular science, hackaday, engadget, fallon, braincraft ... howtoons, 2600...

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