This post is coming to you live from Maker Faire Trondheim being held in the town square here in Trondheim, Norway, all weekend.

There are some makers that are hard to miss, they might bring fire breathing dragons that loom over the faire, or the could just be loud. Aalberg Audio makes loud sound good, they’re here a the faire showing their wirelessly controlled effects pedal.
Originally prototyped using an Arduino Mega for the pedal, and an Arduino Mini for the controller, the form factor of the both devices has radically shrunk since the first prototype.
I talked to Rune Aalberg Alstad—one of the co-founders of Aalberg Audio—about their Ekko delay pedal and Aero wireless controller, their current crowdfunding campaign, and how they went from prototype to product.
Rune talking about prototyping and producing a product
Rune demonstrating the wireless controller
The Trondheim Maker Faire is a two day faire being held in the Trondheim town square. It opened yesterday, and is open again today between 10am and 4pm. It is free to attend.