California Congresswoman Jackie Speier is organizing a showcase of U.S.-made products June 15-16 during the San Mateo County Fair. The “Make it in America” exhibit will host 15-20 U.S. companies with homegrown production, specifically the Bay Area. The range of products is wide–surgical robots, jelly beans, wine, and electric cars. And there are a few slots left.
The purpose of the exhibit is to show that U.S. manufacturing yields several benefits including increased employment and technological innovation. The exhibit aims to be educational and is free to participating companies, but direct sales are not allowed in the exhibit area. It’s estimated about 10,000 people will vist the exhibit over the two days. Booth sizes are 10′ x 10′ and companies are responsible for staffing the exhibit from 11am-9pm each day. In addition to free booth space (and free parking), selected exhibitors will get free passes to the fair.
If interested, please contact Brian Perkins in Speier’s office at at 650.342.0300 or
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