IOIO Lets You Control Your Electronics Project From Your Android Phone

Computers & Mobile Technology
IOIO Lets You Control Your Electronics Project From Your Android Phone

Ytai from Tel Aviv wrote in with a cool new board he developed:

I’m very excited to announce the launch of a new product I’ve been working on for the past months! IOIO (pronounced: yo-yo) is a product which lets you connect electronic circuits to an Android device and control them from an Android application. It is comprised of a small (2.7×1.2″ = 7x3cm) PCB that connects to an Android device with a USB cable and a software library (Java .jar file) that you use in your Android app which handles all communications with the board.

No firmware programming is required – only Android application authoring with a very simple API for controlling the pins on the board. No modification of the Android device is required – you avoid the complication of modification and the voiding of warranty.

The board will be available from Sparkfun.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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