Morgan, the wonder Atari 400/800

Morgan, the wonder Atari 400/800

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Carla posted up this neat retro hack in the MAKE photo pool… – “This was the first mod/hack/voidyourwarranty ever in my life. Thanks, Dad. *sniffle*

before: store-pristine Atari 400
after: guts and memory of an Atari 800, flat 400 keyboard removed and replaced with a “real” keyboard.

Yes, even at that age, I was naming my computers. I have no idea where “Morgan” came from–let’s put it this way: I have a stuffed lamb named “Sports Alley”.

Dad labeled it with Morgan’s name for me, using those hardware store stickers that are meant for mailbox addresses. He was so proud of his modding job (transforming it into an 800, and adding a keyboard to boot) that he later added the duct tape/address stickers “800” to the cartridge door. “Link.

Join the MAKE Flickr photo pool and add you projects! – Link.

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