Compete Head-to-Head with Dueling Mechanical Bulls

Compete Head-to-Head with Dueling Mechanical Bulls
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What better way to compete with your friends than going head-to-head on a pair of bucking bulls? The Madagascar Institute brought that concept to fruition last week with their Dueling Mechanical Bulls during a Google I/O after hours party. From Hackett, Madagascar’s founder:

The bulls are built as near to identical as we could manage: same motors, same gearing, same motion, and are both controlled by one set of controls– what happens to one bull happens to the other, maintaining the same level of difficulty. The ride lasts until one rider flies off, leaving the other rider victorious.

Check out the video and their site for a close up look at how this fantastic spectacle came together. Oh, and by the way, I hereby challenge my fellow MAKE colleagues to outride me on these bulls at the first opportunity we get. Who’s in?

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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