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Everything is contained in a standard, run of the mill, metal toolbox. The bottom drawer contains a working computer with...
In NASA's language, a nanosatellite-class system is a small spacecraft, but it is not a nanotechnology-based device. In fact, its...
Justin Frankel (the creator of Winamp) has a new project called Ninjam. Ninjam allows two or more people to jam...
Flickr member Jonnay posted some photos documenting the building of an x0xb0x kit. (A DIY monophonic synthesizer that emulates the...
Built as a one-man-band musical instrument- The Phoney Controller consists of a telephone housing, four Force Sensing Resistors (FSRs), an...
Via Gary via Mark-- This guy digitally scans old player piano rolls and converts them to midi files. So far...
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