Arduino or clone

Notifying Doorbell with PushingBox

Notifying Doorbell with PushingBox

This project will help you to hack your doorbell to send Push notification and an email with an attached picture when somebody’s at the door. It use the free PushingBox service to delegate all the programming part and make things easy.

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Connect 4 Binary Clock

Connect 4 Binary Clock

Remember that old Connect 4 game sitting in your basement/closet/chest/Batcave? You’ve always wanted to upcycle that into a functioning binary clock utilizing the awesome powers of an Arduino, haven’t you? Of course you have! Well, you’re in the right place! This is a great weekend project that will provide you with a binary clock that […]

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Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

This project uses a Freeduino (Arduino clone) microcontroller, Python code, a couple of motors with attached mirrors, and a laser pointer to create patterns (Lissajous Figures) that are in sync with audio played from a computer. Objective The basic idea here is to create some laser patterns that are in sync with music (or any […]

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Star Trails

Star Trails

Star trails are the paths left by stars as seen from the earth. As the earth spins, the stars appear to move and circle in the sky. To capture the star trails you need a camera, a tripod and an automated trigger for your camera. The Arduino, a relay and the camera’s remote control will […]

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Arduino LED Fuel Gauge

Arduino LED Fuel Gauge

Arduino Fuel Gauge: A few months ago, I hit a pot-hole while driving my 1974 Dodge Dart and my fuel gauge immediately went to “E.” For a split second I thought I lost all of my fuel! My father-in-law suggested I drive backwards over the pothole to fix the gauge. It didn’t work. I researched […]

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