
Mario Coin Block Lamp

Mario Coin Block Lamp

A few days ago, a friend told me that he saw a similar project on, and asked me to build one. Unfortunately, like my green lantern ring, I forgot to take a picture of the one I made for him so I built a simpler but less good-looking one of my own. This guide […]

Using a Kinect as an Infrared Camera

Using a Kinect as an Infrared Camera

The Kinect is a peripheral for the Xbox 360 console that allows a user to interact with the Xbox 360 without touching a controller. A general description of the Kinect is that it is a depth camera. This means that you can place objects in front of it, and it will compute the distance from […]

3D Movies and Photos on a Shoestring

3D video camcorders and displays are getting cheaper, but they’re still fairly expensive, and the only sub-$100 cameras that take 3D still photos all use roll film. So I thought it would be fun to mix the old with the new and see how cheaply I could build a digital camera rig for creating old-school […]

Geiger Counter

Geiger Counter

This DIY Geiger counter clicks and flashes an LED each time it detects a radioactive particle. It works with most common Geiger–Müller tubes, and easily connects to radiation rate meters, data loggers, true random number generators, and the Radiation Network’s GeigerGraph software. Share your radiation readings with the whole world!

Paint Chip Invites

Paint Chip Invites

It’s confession time. I love paper and I love anything that’s free. Enter the humble paint chip color sample — you may have some lying around from your last paint job or, if not, ask your hardware store if they have samples from discontinued brands or colors. Paint chip strips can be folded and used […]

Kitty Twitty Cat Toy

Kitty Twitty Cat Toy

About 2 months ago, after years of begging and pleading from my family, I reluctantly agreed to get another cat from the local shelter. We already have a menagerie of beasts that share our home, but for some reason they felt we needed another. I admit, I do like our new addition to the family. […]