
Fast Toy Wood Car

Fast Toy Wood Car

Lots of my friends have kids, and that means lots of birthdays. I wanted to have a custom present that’s easy to make and has lots of room to play, in terms of design. A toy car fits perfectly. So I can build cars and make kids happy? Win-win! Download the templates.

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The “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun

The “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun

Torch lighters are handy, cheap, and easy to find. They come in a wide variety of shapes and styles, so there’s room for customizing to your personal taste. I normally modify mine with antique parts, but here I chose parts that you can get in most hardware and home stores. The finished raygun works well […]

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Lamp with a Thousand Eyes

Lamp with a Thousand Eyes

Roger Korman meets Man Ray in this from-scratch assemblage that requires virtually no skill. It does, however, require a little vision with respect to overall style and design, as much as stacking cottage cheese containers constitutes “design.” The lamp base is composed of plaster forms cast from plastic food containers. Reusable storage containers like Tupperware […]

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