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MotorShield Kit

MotorShield Kit

Arduino is a great starting point for electronics, and with a motor shield it can also be a nice tidy platform for robotics and mechatronics. The MAKE MotorShield Kit, designed by Adafruit Industries in partnership with MAKE, is a full-featured motor board that can power many simple to medium-complexity projects. It’s got: 2 connections for […]

Tiny Wanderer

Tiny Wanderer

In early 2011 my robot club, the Dallas Personal Robotics Group, was looking for a way to help our beginning members build up their skills. To this end, we produced a series of lessons covering 5 topics needed to make a simple, programmable robot: making PCBs with the toner transfer method, programming ATtiny microprocessors, laying […]

Build a Lawnbot 400

Build a Lawnbot 400

I have always hated mowing the lawn. I was the guy who only mowed when the grass got to be 6″ taller than the neighbors’ lawns — not because I don’t like my neighbors, but because mowing was such a pain. After being hit by one too many rocks, I decided I no longer wanted […]