Stranded Wire

Simple Van de Graaff Generator

Simple Van de Graaff Generator

When I was younger, I spent hours perusing Bill Beaty’s electrostatics web pages. At the time, I didn’t achieve any real successes trying to build his high-voltage contraptions, and so my interest waned. Years later, I saw someone online use a soda can as a collector for their Van de Graaff generator, and all my […]

Space Invaders Tote

Space Invaders Tote

The Space Invaders are sensitive to the electromagnetic waves of mobile phones. When in close proximity to a mobile phone, the Space Invader is energized by an incoming call and its LED eyes begin to twinkle. Accessorized with a handmade Space Invaders Tote for an evening shindig, you will never miss a call again. Whether […]

Add Volume, Jack

Add Volume, Jack

Many cheap, fun sonic and musical toys have built-in speakers and no output jack. This limits their volume, unless you constantly hold them up to a microphone. Here’s how to mod these devices so you can plug them in, adjust their volume, and rock out. The simplest way to install an output jack is to […]