
Beating Heart Pendant

Beating Heart Pendant

While reading through Charles Platt’s excellent book Make: Electronics, I came across this nice little circuit for making a gentle pulsing LED. I was struck by the “humanness” of the pulse, but couldn’t figure out what to do with it. Later I found a heart-shaped tag on some pants I had bought, and well, this […]

Dish-O-Tron 6000

Dish-O-Tron 6000

I’m absentminded in general, but especially when it comes to the dishwasher. I can never remember whether the dishes are clean, whether the machine needs to be run, or emptied, or whatever. I needed a solution to this problem. My first thought was to hang a flippable sign on the door that said “clean” on […]

The Trip-Cam

The Trip-Cam

The Trip-Cam is a trip-wire triggered spy- and security camera. Sweet!

Solar Xylophone

Solar Xylophone

This autonomous instrument uses Solarengine circuits and chimes.