Needlenose pliers

Jam Jar Lanterns

Jam Jar Lanterns

Pick any jar you like, then bend a snug-fitting cage of wire on a custom-made jig.

Mic Stand Camera Mount / Steadycam / Camera Boom

Mic Stand Camera Mount / Steadycam / Camera Boom

My wife’s cousin, the break-dancing radiologist, broke the microphone clip off my mic stand while singing karaoke last Thanksgiving. I had another micropohone clip and replaced it so we could continue with karaoke, but I decided to keep the broken pieces of the old clip for the junk box because you never know, it might […]

Geiger Counter Kit

Geiger Counter Kit

Commercial Geiger counters can cost hundreds of dollars. Build your own at a fraction of the price! This easy-to-solder kit can be built in an evening and it works just like you think it would; clicking and blinking in the presence of radiation. Just follow the instructions here to build it and use it. Your […]

Lumia Lunchbox Laser

Lumia Lunchbox Laser

Back in the 1970s, my friend Wayne Gillis and I used to do light shows at science fiction conventions. We had the usual panoply of overhead, slide, and custom-made projectors, and a single, very expensive, helium-neon laser from Edmund Scientific. Calling ourselves Light Opera, and later, Illuminatus, we performed at ConFusion conventions in Ann Arbor, […]