USB A to B cable

X10 Macro Module

X10 Macro Module

One of the most powerful additions to an X10 system is macro capability, where a computer continuously monitors the powerline for trigger signals, and responds by executing a timed sequence of additional X10 commands.

Read & Write Flash Contents of Your Arduino or AVR Chip

Read & Write Flash Contents of Your Arduino or AVR Chip

Need to burn Arduino bootloaders onto lots of Arduinos or AVR chips? Avrdude is the perfect tool to configure and burn those things REALLY fast! Plus it’s terminal-based and easily scriptable. I’ll show you how to bend Avrdude to your will!

Installing Arduino Mega ADK drivers for Arduino 0022

Installing Arduino Mega ADK drivers for Arduino 0022

If you are trying to load a sketch onto your Arduino Mega ADK you may notice in the Arduino 0022 IDE that there is no option for this board. This guide will cover extremely quickly how to install the drivers, provided by Arduino, to make your Arduino Mega ADK programmable from the IDE.

Arduino in C: See Your Microcontroller in a New Way

Arduino in C: See Your Microcontroller in a New Way

For this project, you need to have a Linux computer, or else the things I describe will not work. Don’t fret, though, because there are plenty of tutorials out there that will help you. Piecing this together from multiple sources has been hard, but I’ve been able to do it on my Arduino Duemilanove and […]

Modding Your Lego NXT: Programming the NXT Brick in Java

Modding Your Lego NXT: Programming the NXT Brick in Java

In this project, I will show how to put the Lejos NXJ firmware on your NXT and load a simple program. Lejos is simply Java for NXT, so if you know Java, you can easily learn Lejos. Any version of the NXT will work. I will be working on Ubuntu 11.04, but if you are […]