Needlepoint Mario Cube tissue box - Make: Needlepoint Mario Cube tissue box - Make:

Needlepoint Mario Cube tissue box


Yes we are all jealous because Christy’s mom made her a super cool needlepoint Mario Cube tissue box cover for her desk at her office! Link.

But if you want to make one yourself, you can. It’s quite simple. Here’s what you need to do:
Depending on your tissue box size, get blank needlepoint canvases at your local craft store to fit all the sides of the tissue box. (You don’t need a bottom piece so the cover can slip over the box.) Refer to this tutorial that goes over measuring the canvas to tissue box and how to cut the canvas. Find a design you want or create it yourself and upload your graphic designs to Knitpro to create your pattern. Then just follow the pattern for each of the sides and stitch them together!

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