Steve writes in –
I am a high school teacher considering making an application for a technology $1,500 grant. I have this crazy idea that since kids are constantly on their iPods, etc. the best way we could reach them is with pod casting Everyday we just put the assignments, helps, homework. Etc. on the podcast and students should have fewer excuses about why they did not get their homework in on time. I’m not sure how to go about setting up podcasting and what equipment I will need… I would appreciate any directions you may be able to given me.
Here are some resources, links and ideas to check out Steve, Makers post in the comments too…
Bre (former school teacher, now MAKE media) says – I did this with http://room132.com. For me, it let me showcase their work to a wider audience and it let parents see their children’s work. It’s a lot of fun too! Once a week works well.
In MAKE 02 we go over the basics – Podcasting 101. Produce and syndicate audio interviews you record online, on the phone, and on the road. MAKE 02 – Page 86. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition. or download the PDF. The article is over a year old, but for the most part it has a lot of what you need to get started.
Dr. Carlson posted up a great presentation on using podcasts to educate, definitely read this – Link.
Examples and more:
- Dr. Carlson’s Science Theater – downloadable science … Matt is a High School Chemistry and Physics teacher in Lafayette, IN – he makes these great video podcasts for his students / anyone who wants to view them of topics include: Thermodynamics and Temperature, Newton’s Third Law, Freezing by Boiling and more.. – Link.
- UVA Virtual Lab podcasts from Professor John C. Bean from The University of Virginia Virtual Lab – Link.
- Free downloads at the Stanford version of iTunes – Link.
- iTunes U from Apple – Link.
You can also try ODEO – it’s browser based and can do most of the recording / distribution in one spot.
Last up, we send out PDFs on our RSS 2.0/iTunes feed – that’s another way you could send out information, but for now it would need to be read on a PC/Mac and not an iPod.