How-To Tuesdays: Pillowcase Laundry Bag - Make: How-To Tuesdays: Pillowcase Laundry Bag - Make:

How-To Tuesdays: Pillowcase Laundry Bag

Kids will be out of school for summer vacation soon enough, and that means sleepovers and summer camp. Here’s a quick and easy way to stitch up a fun drawstring bag your kidlet can use to hold their dirty laundry that looks a lot nicer than your standard-issue laundry bag. Better yet, you probably already have the supplies to make it! Here’s how to make your own.



1 package 1" twill tape
1 package 1/2" twill tape


Step 1: Fold the open end of the pillowcase over onto itself, folding towards the outside of the pillowcase. Mark a spot in the center of one side of the fold — this is where you will create a buttonhole.
Step 2: Unfold the edge of the pillowcase and sew a buttonhole in the spot you’ve marked out. The buttonhole should measure about 3/4" long. (If your machine does not have an automatic or one-step buttonhole feature, you can do it the old fashioned way, by hand.)
Step 3: Fold the edge of the pillowcase over towards the outside of the pillowcase again and pin into place. Using a straight stitch, sew around the entire finished edge to create a channel for the drawstring.
Step 4: Open the package of 1" twill tape. Fold one raw end over twice, about 1", and press flat. Sew around all edges of this fold to secure.
Step 5: Pin the folded end of the twill tape to the pillowcase. You’ll want to pin it below the edge you stitched in Step 3. (The tape should be pinned on the center of the side without the buttonhole.) Sew into place. I followed the lines I stitched in Step 4, and also added an “X” shape in the middle for extra strength.
Step 6: Lay the pillowcase flat and cut the twill tape about 8" longer then the length of the pillowcase. Fold the raw end of the twill tape over twice, about 1", and press flat (just like you did in Step 4). Pin the folded end of the twill tape to the bottom edge of the pillowcase. (The tape should be pinned on the center bottom of the pillowcase.) Sew into place the same way you did in Step 5, but this time you can sew through all layers of the pillowcase.
Step 7: Open the package of 1/2" twill tape and attach a safety pin to one raw end. Use the safety pin to work the tape into the buttonhole and through the channel you created in Step 3. Once you’ve worked it all the way through, trim the tape so you have two 10" lengths hanging from the buttonhole. Double-knot the ends and pull the drawstring closed to tighten. Tie in a bow to secure and enjoy!

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

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