Daft Punk helmet build process - Make: Daft Punk helmet build process - Make:

Daft Punk helmet build process

Craft & Design Wearables
Daft Punk helmet build process

Brandon has been doing some research into the manufacturing and design of a custom Daft Punk helmet. He points out this great build log on the project from Volpin Props:

Part one shows the process of creating the basic form out of cardboard, expanding foam, clay and other materials.

In part two, the process of making a mold of the original is detailed.

The Q & A edition is a response to a number of the questions fielded about the project and details a number of features of the electronics.


There is a lot to like here. If you’ve made an excellent object and want to have more, then check out Adam Savage’s moldmaking primer from MAKE, Volume 08.

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