Nathalie Miebach's Woven Data Sculptures - Make: Nathalie Miebach's Woven Data Sculptures - Make:

Nathalie Miebach’s Woven Data Sculptures

Craft & Design
Nathalie Miebach’s Woven Data Sculptures

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I first saw Nathalie Miebach‘s incredible woven sculptures, and my mind boggled further when I found out that they depict environmental data gathered by the artist. The subtitle of one of the above pieces is “tango between air, land, and sea,” and her work does indeed appear to be dancing within its basket-y constraints! Miebach says:

“My work focuses on the intersection of art and science and the visual articulation of scientific observations. Using the methodologies and processes of both disciplines, I translate scientific data related to astronomy, ecology and meteorology into woven sculptures. My method of translation is principally that of weaving — in particular basket weaving — as it provides me with a simple yet highly effective grid through which to interpret data in three-dimensional space. “

This is incredibly cool work; it’s beautiful to look at in its own right, and gets even more interesting as you discover what each piece is about. I love woven baskets, but these take basketry to a new level. (Via TreeHugger)

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