Really great tip from Make: reader cashsale, who didn’t want to shell out the money for a purpose-built vacuum sealer and dedicated vacuum bags for his home sous-vide cooking:
- Put whatever you want to seal in a smaller Ziploc bag that’s open just a bit.
- Then, put that bag in a larger Ziploc bag.
- Insert the business end of a cheap hand-operated vacuum pump (maybe a sink aspirator would work, too?) into the larger bag, and close the seal tightly around the hose.
- Pump out the air, which evacuates both outer and inner bags.
- While it’s pumped out, seal the inner bag the rest of the way with hand pressure through both bags.
- Finally, open the outer bag and take out the inner one.
It may not hold as long as a pricey purpose-made bag, but cashsale reports that it works just fine over sous-vide timescales. Nice work!