10,000-Brick Lego Sandcrawler - Make: 10,000-Brick Lego Sandcrawler - Make:

10,000-Brick Lego Sandcrawler

Fun & Games

AFOL Marshall Banana built this extremely impressive and faithful Jawa sandcrawler

Minifigscale: 96 cm long, 100.5 cm long (lowered main ramp)
Weight: approximability 20kg
Part count: over 10’000
Powerfunctions: 4 xl motors, 5 m motors, 4 receivers, 4 batterypacks, 22 Lego LED-lights

Powered radio-controlled Functions:
– driving: forward reverse
– stearing
– main ramp: up and down
– crane: up and down, in and out
– conveyer band: forward and reverse

Other features:
fully interior on three floors in the front half of the model and a detailed cockpit (removable roof) second crane in the back of the workshop, lighted smelter.

Building and planning time: 9 month

[Via The Brothers Brick]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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