David Wasserman's Tin Can Works - Make: David Wasserman's Tin Can Works - Make:

David Wasserman’s Tin Can Works

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David Wasserman’s Tin Can Works

Artist David Wasserman painstakingly cuts shapes from tin cans, soda cans and other metal packaging, then nails them to plywood to create detailed art pieces. This portrait of an immigrant family makes beautiful use of rust.
From the artist’s website:
“Around the turn of the 20th century, immigrants were said to believe that the streets of America were paved with gold. They were often disappointed. The artist foraged around junk yards to find the right shades of rust for the family members in this poignant work, and once he stopped along a highway to pick up a beautifully rusted 5 gallon can.”
Visit Wasserman’s website for more examples of his “Tin Can Works.”

(Via Pam Harris)

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