Hackerspace Happenings: Pittsburgh MMF Call For Makers - Make: Hackerspace Happenings: Pittsburgh MMF Call For Makers - Make:

Hackerspace Happenings: Pittsburgh MMF Call For Makers

Hackerspace Happenings: Pittsburgh MMF Call For Makers

Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings run weekly(ish) Tuesdays, and the next one will come out August 23rd.

Pittsburgh Mini Maker Faire — Call for Makers

We are now accepting entries for the Pittsburgh Mini Maker Faire, October 23, 2011, at Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. We look forward to reviewing your application.

Entry deadline is Tuesday, September 20, at 5:00 pm.

EL Wire Class at L.A.’s CRASH Space

CRASH Space will be offering a class on electro-luminescent wire:

EL wire is simple in concept, but any who have tried know those little hairs are a huge pain. I’ll share some tips, tricks, and techniques to create the strong connections and wicked safe ends.

The class costs $20 for members and $30 for nonmembers, and will be held from 2-4 pm this Saturday.

Train Overlord Hackathon Video

Toronto, ON, hackerspace hacklab.to held a hackathon on August 6th to hack on Train Overlord, their rail-mounted robot:

What is Train Overlord? It’s hacklab’s robotic denizen, our friendly robot overlord, who rules with an iron rail. (well, actually, the rails are aluminum, but the overlord doesn’t let that stop him). The Train Overlord is controlled wirelessly, there is a web interface, and you can download an app on your smart phone to control him directly from your phone. Our goal for the Train Overlord is to have him able to ferry empty cans from the desk to the recycle bins, on command. To that end, the Train Overlord is equipped with a winch mechanism. He also sports a laser, because what self-respecting robot doesn’t have a laser?!?

Lecture on Mold Making and Resin Casting at Mesa, AZ’s HeatSync Labs

Danny, from Downtown Mesa’s very own Rusted Nail Gallery will be giving an overview of the art of resin casting. Whether you are looking for a way to create that little doo-dad for your next project, or a full sized replica of Bre Pettis’s head, resin making provides an interesting solution to your problems, and Danny will be giving an overview of the mold making and casting process.

Resin casting provides hobbyists with an easy and cheap solution for model making, compared to large-scale solutions like injection molding. Stop by this Thursday at 7:00 pm to learn the art of mold making from one of our local artists!

The lecture is free of charge.

Large Hackerspace Convention II in Stuttgart, Germany

Denizens of shackspace will be holding a hackerspace gathering on Friday, August 26th at 6pm to Sunday, August 28th.

The Large Hackerspace Convention Episode II should be exactly that. Hackerspaces and hackerspace-folks from all over Germany, Europe, the world, our galaxy, and the rest of the universe will meet for an informal exchange of knowledge. Together we’ll talk about our experiences and ideas regarding the hackerspace movement.

In short:
hacking, chillout, talking, exchange of ideas, doing things.

The event is organized similar to a barcamp (as in: there’s not much planned in detail, really low-orga-level). There will be an approximation of a program but we’re still working on that.

RepRap Build Workshop

Philadelphia, PA’s Hive76 hackerspace is offering a RepRap build workshop in association with NextFabStudio:

We’ll help you and a friend or two to build your very own open-source RepRap 3D printer, which has more than 4x(!!) the build volume of it’s closest competitor, the MakerBot Thing-o-Matic. Note that you will save $202 off the class if you’re a member of Hive76 or NextFab Studio. Total class cost for members is only $998. This is a crazy cheap deal! You can’t even buy a MakerBot for that price, let alone learn how to assemble it and fine tune it correctly in just a weekend.

There’s lots of additional bells and whistles on this bot that you won’t find anywhere else: custom machined aluminum motor couplers, linear bearings, the latest RAMPS electronics, and much more!

CCCKC-U Begins

Kansas City, MO, hackerspace Cowntown Computer Congress will be offering free technology classes to the public, a program they call CCCKC-U.

You do not need to be a member of the hackerspace to take these classes. This is a part of our mission to offer technology classes, workshops, study groups and other services to the public free of charge.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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