Mackey SQ2 Super Cub - Make: Mackey SQ2 Super Cub - Make:

Mackey SQ2 Super Cub

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Mackey SQ2 Super Cub

I chose this kit airplane because it has great performance, but even better, it’s designed for builders who don’t have a ton of tools. Only common hand tools are needed — no fiberglass work or welding. The fuselage comes pre-welded, and the wings fully assembled, so I only needed to assemble and wire the plane, add the engine and propeller, then cover and paint it. You can buy all components not in the kit (engine, instruments, radios, etc.) from at open-market prices.

My assembly nearly complete, I can happily say the components, fit, and finish have not disappointed. My SQ2 has gone together smoothly and I can hardly wait to go flying.

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