Hackerspace Happenings: TX/RX on the Move - Make: Hackerspace Happenings: TX/RX on the Move - Make:

Hackerspace Happenings: TX/RX on the Move

Are you a hackerspace member with an event you’d like to publicize? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I’ll post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list. Hackerspace Happenings runs weekly(ish) Tuesday(i)s(h).

Houston’s TX/RX Labs is Expanding

In less than nine months, with an all-volunteer staff, TX/RX Labs trained nearly 200 Houstonians in such topics as algebra, welding, laboratory techniques, soldering, computer programming, 3D design, and ceramics, to name a few. Over the same period, our membership has grown by roughly 100%.

We need your help to expand to a new space… Here’s how you can help.

We have identified a new space in the heart of the EaDo District and are currently finalizing negotiations with our future landlord. But for us to succeed in this ambitious plan, we must raise approximately $30,000.00 to renovate our new home. The result will be a clean, safe and fun environment where people of all ages can come to learn, make and teach.

See the space’s move page for more information.

Converting a Kawasaki Ninja to Electric at Mesa’s HeatSync Labs

We bumped into Barry Greig at the Phoenix Maker Faire this year and were wowed by his awesome electric conversion for his Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Come on down to the lab where Barry is going to roll the bike right into the lab! He’ll be talking about:

o Donor Bike Selection
o Motor Selection
o Jackshaft – Purpose and Fabrication
o Battery Pack Construction
o Battery Management System (BMS)
o Controller and Contactor
o Motor Mount Fabrication
o Instrumentation and Low Voltage Electronics

This will be happening TONIGHT, Thursday the 15th, at 7:00pm at HeatSync Labs.

Make an Ethernet Cable at Philly’s Hive76

I didn’t know how to use an RJ45 crimper at all, so after bugging my fellow members, I just grabbed the crimper and started destroying a patch cable. A few mistakes and pairs of plugs later, I had my own working ethernet cable.

That makes me confident enough to teach you! Come join us for a bit of cable making and Hive76 infrastructure upgrading.

The event will be held Saturday, 12/17 at 10am.

Hackathon at Winnipeg’s Skullspace

It’s been a year since SkullSpace started, and it’s time to have a special hackathon! We’ve lined up some great speakers and projects to keep you busy on a cold December day! If you’ve never been to SkullSpace before, or if you come every day, you’re welcome to join us!

Usually what goes on is something of a social event, with people talking about all kinds of things, trying out some lock picking, playing video games, sampling bake sale delicacies and generally just having a good time. The original intent was to get the amazing SkullSpace community together to work on projects and bounce ideas around, but it has evolved from that into something of a geek social with a focus on learning something new. There are still a handful of people that come out to work on their projects and everyone is welcome to bring anything they’re currently working on to show off or just hack on with others. Even if you know nothing about coding/hacking/etc don’t be afraid to stop by, our members are all types of creatives from architects and programmers to graphic designers and amateur radio enthusiasts.

The hackathon will be held at SkullSpace on Saturday, December 17, at 2pm.

Austin’s ATX Hackerspace’s 1st Annual Holiday Geek Bazaar and Open House

Join the ATX Hackerspace as we open our doors to the public and invite you to enjoy traditional home-baked goodies, holiday beverages and a variety of geek- and maker-created items for sale; a great opportunity to fill your holiday wish list with unique locally crafted items!

We will be giving tours upon request and there will be demonstrations on some of our more mesmerizing pieces of equipment, such as our laser cutter! There are rumors brewing of laser-etched gingerbread men.

The event is Sunday, December 18 from 1-5pm. More details on Facebook.

Thunder Talks in Stuttgart’s shack space

(Via Google translate)

Lightning-Talk-like short presentations will lecture on current, past and future. A lecture is between 5 to 15 minutes long and it will be given lectures on various topics.

The event is open and non-members are cordially invited to give lectures or just as a listener to be there.

Saturday, December 17th at 7:00pm at shack space.

6-Pack Chess at Mountain View’s Hacker Dojo

Bring a 6-pack. Donate it to a visible chess board which doesn’t have one (or mix up varieties of beer with one that does.)

If there’s at least 1 unopened beer near a player with a board and pieces but without an opponent, take your seat for a traditional challenge. Sit next to an active game to claim the next spot.

Consume at least 4oz of beer (whether it be o’douls or natty ice) if you–the new or presiding champion (or board starter)–wins, or, if you lose, relinquish thy throne and thus thy beer.

6-Pack Chess will be held on Monday, January 2nd at 7pm, at Hacker Dojo.

Molding and Casting Workshop at Toronto’s Hacklab.to

Ever wanted to copy a three dimensional shape? Molding and casting allows you to copy nearly anything – from hands and fingers to toys and sculptures. This beginners workshop (led by relative novices too), will provide you with hands-on exposure to simple molding and casting.

The workshop will be held on January 9th at 7pm and you can register on Eventbrite.

Learn Programming at i3 Detroit

It’s not scary, it’s not difficult, and it doesn’t take years to learn. I think I can prove that to you though this crash course on computer programming. It’s not going to get you a job at Google, but it will let you figure out which words are used most frequently in the book “Alice in Wonderland”, or generate a list of anagrams for your friend’s names! Isn’t technology amazing?

The course consists of five sessions in January and the cost is $6 for non-members or free for members.

Soft Circuits Class at NYC Resistor

Learn to make soft, flexible and washable electronic circuits embedded right into common textiles! We’ll cover conductive thread, waterproof circuitry, embedded sensors and tactile feedback. Everyone leaves with enough basic knowlege to level-up any outfit, and a handful of the parts they need to make it happen. No previous sewing skills or electronics knowlege required.

The class will be held Sunday, January 22 at 2pm and you can register on Eventbrite.

Flame Effects Class at Toronto’s Site 3

Site 3 Fire Arts team presents: HOWTO Flame Effects, hands-on.
Over the course of the weekend, we will teach you basic propane handling, safety, and science. We will also teach you how to safely assemble your plumbing and test it for leaks, before letting ‘er rip.

Saturday schedule:
Propane safety and handling
Effect design
Igniter systems
Fuel supply systems
Afternoon effect build
Build test

Sunday schedule:
Control and interaction systems

The class will be held on February 25th and 26th at Site 3. Register on Eventbrite or learn more on the Facebook page.

Zip-Line Race at Tokyo Hackerspace

Tokyo Hackerspace will be holding a zip-line race in March:

Your task, should you choose to accept, is to design and build your own zip line racer from spare parts, scraps, and other bits.

The line will be a thin steel cable, stretched taught. The racer will start at one end, touching a starting place (depressing the start switch). When the racer leaves the plate, the timer will start.

Your racer must travel to the other end of the line, tag the switch plate on the other end, and then return to the start plate. Upon tagging the start plate, the timer will stop.

Sounds like the plans are fairly preliminary, but you’ll need a lot of time to build your racer!

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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