Project: CD Jewel Case Calendar - Make: Project: CD Jewel Case Calendar - Make:

Project: CD Jewel Case Calendar


By Tiffany Threadgould
If this year’s resolution is to buy less and reuse more, try out this project to give your calendar a recycled twist. Find an old CD jewel case and some scrap paper to put your months on display. You can even cut up last year’s calendar and reuse the pages this year. It’s always a great “time” to make the old new again.


CD jewel case
Calendar PDF
, see below
Scrap paper
, such as magazine pages or last year’s calendar
Glue stick
, for decorating

Download PDF Download the 2012 Calendar PDF
Right click to save the PDF to your desktop. Directions on downloading PDFs.


Step 1: Open your CD case and very carefully remove the lid from the base. Flip over the base and reattach. Bend back the lid so it stands upright at a slight angle.
Step 2: Print out the calendar PDF and cut and separate the months.
Step 3: Cut 12 pieces of scrap paper into 4-3/4″ squares. You can use any kind of scrap, like pages from a picture book, magazine pages, or even last year’s calendar. You’ll have one square for each month, so you can even cut out themed pictures for holidays and birthdays.
Step 4: With a glue stick, attach each month to a different square. Then decorate each page with markers and anything else you can find. Slip the first month into the angled lid. Put your new crafty work on display. This calendar will make a “clear case” for recycling projects this year!
About the Author:
Tiffany Threadgould is a design junkie who gives scrap materials a second life. She’s the founder of RePlayGround, where you can find her book, ReMake It! (Sterling Publishing), a series of do-it-yourself recycling kits, and online instructions for projects that you can make yourself. She’s also the head of design at TerraCycle, where she designs new products from loads of different wastestreams. Tiffany thinks that garbage has feelings too and sometimes can be found talking to her pile of junk at her design studio in Brooklyn, NY.

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