The Brain Tank Maker and InfoSec Conference, September 15, Providence, RI

Rhode Island’s Hacker mini conference is coming up soon, and their call for papers is still open.

On September 15th, 2012, Providence will find itself chock-full-o’ Hackers, Makers, Breakers, and the like. The Brain Tank Conference will be a full day of Maker and InfoSec presentations, with plenty of fun things to see and do. We have events and demonstrations in the mix. Some involve laser mazes… some involve certifications… some involve 3D printing… and more!

AS220 has graciously reserved the day for our conference and we are putting together an afterparty complete with Nerd-propriate live music. We will be happening in the FabLab with demos and vendors, and the Performance space with Speakers and more vendors/hangout area. Tickets will go on sale soon so right now is the time to get yourself heard and head over to the CFP page at:

Register for the CFP yourself and/or pass it along to a friend or that co-worker you know has been pulling all-nighters in the lab. We’ve already received some amazing submissions and we can’t wait to read your proposal.

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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