This recent post at Hack a Day, about Utah-based Adaptive Computing’s 163 LED All Spark Cube, spurred an interesting comment thread about the current world record for voxel count in 3D displays using a spatial grid of LEDs. Of course, once you start talking world records, questions start coming up fast: Do monochrome systems count? What about arrangements that are not cubes? Should hobbyist builds be in a separate category from commercial products?
Assuming the answer, in each case, is “no,” then right now the 3D HD LED Cube-H32 from China’s Seekway Technology, Ltd. in Jiangmen City, appears to hold the title. It’s an LED-based volumetric display with 32 × 32 × 32 = 32,768 voxels. (As a point of comparison, a modern 2560 × 1600 2D monitor has 4,096,000 pixels, and to match it voxel-for-pixel would require a 160 × 160 × 160 cube.)
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology’s NOVA display has more LEDs (300,000) but fewer voxels (25,000), because each voxel consists of a 12-LED cluster. Also, it is not a perfect cube.
Have you seen or heard about an LED cube bigger than 323, either actual or in the planning/building stages? Please let us know, below!
H32-3D Display,3D LED Cube,Light Cube,Three-dimensional | Seekway Technology Ltd.